
Base de datos interdisciplinaria de

Regional Dialects

Why is it that people in urban, rural, and suburban areas all have different dialects and vernacular? How are people from these different places perceived? Why is it important to counteract stereotypes about SLI?

Social Expectations

How does body type, identity, and health become twisted through the use of social media? Read about how young people are having their self-image shaped by the photos they view on social media, and discuss why it is dangerous to buy into the myths of social media.

Money and Philosophy

How does our use of money contribute to our philosophy? How does the relationship between humans and nature involve the economy? Using case studies, examine how building development, use of natural resources, and more impact the environment. Use mathematical thinking to consider economical ethics.

A.I. Art

Watch “How This Guy Uses A.I. to Create Art | Obsessed | WIRED”. What is fascinating about this clip? Consider the idea: is it possible for artificial intelligence to create art on its own? If so, is this art as valuable as human-created art? Why or why not?

Creating a "Trolley Problem"

Have students create presentations on “wicked problems” (problems that aren't easily solved), presenting the scenario of a specific "trolley problem" and advocating for positions on both sides, allowing them to moderate a healthy debate among students. Consider if the Trolley would need to "run" at all.

Researching Presentations

Research famous speakers and business developers. Analyze how they use speech and written word to exemplify their ideas, noting the various tools they use to best convey their ideas. Convert this into a guide for others to follow.

Recycled Art

Consider how environmental activists use the medium as the message: such as recycled art and art made of trash to symbolize the need for change.

School and Burn Out

Read about how school affects burn out. This guide written for teachers can be analyzed with students to identify pain points, recognize ways to improve the classroom, and have an open dialogue about stress and frustration.

Familial Contexts

Partner up with another family and analyze each other’s lifestyle. Learn about what they do everyday, their family traditions, and what they enjoy doing. Compare and contrast how this differs from your own. If time, expand this analysis to other families to showcase and celebrate the differences of your classroom community.

Addressing Global Poverty

Analyze global poverty as a wicked problem. How do we solve a problem that is so historically, economically, and culturally the norm in our world? What steps can individuals take in order to make a difference? Look at how various non-profits are attempting to solve this problem, offering students the chance to praise and critique different actions.

Math and Music

Math is all around us, especially in music. Continue to study how music theory is connected to mathematics, creating a presentation that helps those see the relevancy between the two subjects.

Values of our Space

How are values built into physical and digital spaces? Examine your immediate surroundings, take inventory of how your space is arranged, what hangs on the walls and ceilings, what objects seem to have the most or least importance, what does the space communicate about who is valued, etc. Make a list of values and importance that is derived from your observations. What changes can you make to this space to have it reflect different values?

Dream Resume

Many websites offer resume templates for different professions. Find a template for a profession you see yourself involved in and design a “dream resume” for yourself in that field. Pair this with your five-year plan to set and align short-term goals!

Jigsaw: Open Societies

Investigate this task force by Google which is exploring threats to open societies, focusing on how technology can lead to a safer Internet and world.

Barriers to Housing

Read about how people fall into homelessness and the struggles that people face, including financial barriers to gaining housing.

Interpreting Life Through Art

Similar to the language art extension, explore the idea of subjectivity in art and the artist's personality in interpreting life events through art. For example, tarot card readings, the impact of WW1 on visual arts, or Picasso's art periods.

Designing for Disability

Designing for disability is a vitally important element of our society. In schools, learning disabilities can often lead to many difficulties, including failure or discipline. Consider, what would your community look like if it centered disabled people? What would you need to account for? What would change? Create a plan that highlights these changes and propose them to your local governance.

The History of Musical Math

As described throughout the lesson below - rhythm, music, and mathematics are heavily connected. Learn about the history of keys, chords, and musical notation, with a specific focus on the Greek philosopher Pythagoras who was “instrumental” in creating these ideas!

Food Deserts

Research local food deserts in your area. Figure out why there is a food desert there. Conduct interviews with local businesses or trusted adults, compiling this information, which can help inform organizations and politicians on why and how this needs to be changed.


Infographics help us make sense of complicated ideas through visuals and seen connections. Research how infographic designers understand and work through complex problems, then design your own infographic to convey information about an idea.

The "Scene"

Street art is highly connected to other “scenes”, such as skateboarding. Consider what these spaces are, why they exist, and how they operate in tandem with one another.

Perceptions of Graffiti

Consider the science of street art and graffiti. There are some that see graffiti as disorderly and unkept, while others see it as a sign of beauty. This study considers the context of one’s identity and upbringing and their perception of graffiti.

Historical Biases

Look at historical examples of perspectives and biases across major world events (e.g., Charge of the Light Brigade, Sinking of the Lusitania, End of Apartheid, American Civil War, etc.)

Overcoming the "Starving Artist"

Oftentimes, artists are their worst critic, and keeping hope as an artist is especially difficult. Check out this article on overcoming the myth of the “starving artist”, which argues that modern day artists thrive and earn livable wages in stable careers.

Language of the Internet

What is the language of the Internet? How does it differ from your local context? How does it contribute to society? How does it harm society? Analyze the language of the Internet through slang, grammar, memes, etc.

Accessible Comics

Using Nick Sousanis’ Blind Accessible Comics as a resource, redesign/remix existing art pieces to improve accessibility to art and culture for a range of impairments and disabilities.

Experimental Design

Creativity and science are both intrinsically and extrinsically linked: experimentation is an inherent part of creativity, and creativity itself has been studied through the use of science. Consider having students learn about different forms of artistry: such as color psychology or the color light spectrum, and have students design and test hypotheses on the topics.

Equity, Money, and Happiness

Consider how the science of equality, equity, and money are connected to happiness. See resources like The Inner Level by Richard Wilkinson & Kate Pickett for more information.

Analyzing World Hunger

Analyze charts and other data to recognize how we can go about feeding the world by 2050 (as our population exponentially increases). Think about what steps young people can take to ensure that these changes happen.

Argument and Disagreement

Have students recall a time where they’ve been in an argument or disagreement with a friend or family member. Journal on the experience and how it made them feel, offering an emotional outlet through writing. View similar works by poets, essayists, and other writers.

AI & Mathematics

How can artificial intelligence be used to improve our understanding of mathematics?

One way AI can be used to improve our understanding of mathematics is by providing a way to visualize mathematical concepts. For example, consider the concept of a function. AI can be used to create a 3D graph of a function, which can help us to better understand how the function behaves. Additionally, AI can be used to create models of mathematical problems, which can help us to better understand the underlying principles at work.

Mediums of Art

Consider systems through mediums: how can art display itself in a variety of mechanisms: through illustration, digital design, music, video, dance, and more. How can the same concept be portrayed in these styles, and what impact does each style have? Are there advantages and disadvantages in each medium?