
Acerca de

El Proyecto de Restauración Humana es informando, orientativo, y creciendo un movimiento hacia un sistema educativo progresista y centrado en el ser humano. Estamos reuniendo una red de educadores radicales que están transformando las aulas de todo el mundo.

Una infografía que muestra los valores del HRP en una formación del sistema solar, con el logotipo del HRP en el centro y cuatro cuadrantes: I: El aprendizaje se basa en la búsqueda de propósitos y la relevancia de la comunidad, con un mapa del camino hacia el propósito; crear aulas interdisciplinarias y para varias edades; aprender de manera experiencial; promover la alfabetización; conectarse con la comunidad. II: La justicia social es la piedra angular del éxito educativo, ya que exige espacios inclusivos y antirracistas; autentica la voz de los estudiantes; reimagina los espacios y promueve el juego libre; adopta una pedagogía crítica y construye escuelas democráticas; utiliza la justicia restaurativa. III: Las prácticas deshumanizadoras no tienen cabida en la escuela si se eliminan las calificaciones, se redefinen la evaluación y se terminan los exámenes, se construyen relaciones sólidas, se reforman los sistemas alimentarios y se reducen radicalmente los deberes escolares. IV: Los alumnos respetan el valor humano innato de los demás mediante el aprendizaje autodirigido; apoyan y elevan a los profesores; cooperan, no fuerzan la competencia; dan prioridad a la salud mental y el aprendizaje socioemocional; garantizan una educación pública próspera.

Acciones hacia el cambio sistémico

HRP ha identificado veinte sistemas, resumidos en 4 declaraciones de valores, que deben cambiarse por un sistema equitativo y centrado en las personas que cree un futuro mejor para todos.
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Pensamiento de base y basado en sistemas

Creemos que los jóvenes, las familias, los educadores, los administradores y los miembros de la comunidad deben tomar el control de sus escuelas para impulsar el cambio. Las reformas jerárquicas de las organizaciones gubernamentales mantienen los estándares tradicionales y, a menudo, conducen a más problemas de los que intentan resolver.

Cuando un sistema cambia, los demás sistemas cambian sucesivamente. Todos dependen unos de otros. El cambio solo se producirá cuando cambiemos los sistemas subyacentes en lugar de intentar hacer que la práctica centrada en el ser humano funcione en espacios intrínsecamente inhumanos.



Vaughan Cleary

International Relations Coordinator: Australia

Vaughan has had a career in education spanning over 3 decades. He is the current Senior Deputy Principal at a large co-educational school in Victoria, Australia. Vaughan is a current doctoral candidate whose thesis is primarily focused on student motivation and engagement, curriculum reform and progressive education. He is committed to promoting education experiences that promote self-determination for students, teachers, and schools.


Nick Covington

Creative Director

Nick is a former high school Social Studies in Iowa public schools, who promotes progressive education across the board. Nick aims to reestablish the idea of what school could be to one of student-centered success that relies on their ideas and knowledge, instead of a dictated “future ready” curriculum.


Farimah Khavari


Farimah is a dedicated children's illustrator, who brings vibrant characters and illustrations to life through her artistic endeavors. With a love for creating visually engaging content tailored for young minds, she aims to spark imagination and curiosity in the hearts of children. Through her work, she aspires to contribute joy and inspiration to the child's colorful imagination.


Dr. Jen Lucas

Teacher Action Research Coordinator

Jen is an Assistant Principal in a Texas public school in the greater Houston area. She is passionate about arts advocacy, and it is her hope that students will come to see art not simply as a reflection of culture but rather as a powerful tool to create it. Having grown up in rural Montana, she appreciates Houston’s scarcity of snow and enjoys exploring the city with her family.


Chris McNutt

Executive Director

Chris McNutt is the co-founder and executive director of Human Restoration Project, a nonprofit organization focused on student engagement, well-being, and motivation. His work centers on realizing systems-based change, examining how progressive pedagogical shifts (e.g. PBL, ungrading) reimagine school to best suit the needs of students and teachers alike. He was a public high school digital media & design educator who focused on experiential learning, portfolio-driven assessment, and community involvement.


Cassie Nastase

Third Coast Learning Collaborative Coordinator

Cassie, a former school counselor from West Michigan, believes in providing students with educational experiences that which cultivate curiosity, creativity and meaningful connection to self and community. She is passionate about integrating SEL standards and therapeutic approaches into everyday teaching practices to create nurturing learning environments that support the holistic development of students. Outside of her professional life, you may find her at one of Michigan’s beaches or exploring the Montana mountains with her husband and two daughters.


Naoya Okamoto

International Relations Coordinator: Japan

Naoya is a college student near Tokyo, Japan who's excited about creating schools that are truly driven by the needs of every student. He's especially interested in connecting students with experiential learning experiences that help them develop the self-efficacy they need to impact their communities.


Kevin Pettinger

Digital Systems Lead

Kevin is a passionate edtech advocate and former fraud analyst, known for his ability to merge technical acumen with an interest in creating secure, engaging learning platforms. His background reflects a strong commitment to leveraging technology for educational innovation, aiming to make learning accessible and effective for diverse communities.


Gilberto Aponte Prats

Education Technology Specialist

Gilberto has spent most of his career working as a software developer, but his passion lies in the intersection between education technology and human-computer interaction. He aims to use his technology skills to help develop tools to support the paradigm shift to progressive education. Having been born and raised in Puerto Rico has given him a strong commitment to ensure no marginalized communities are left behind and to give back to the people that shaped him.


Mal Radagast

Community Manager

Mal had intended to be English teacher, to share a love of stories but also a belief that stories are the building blocks of the universe! That’s what we are all made of, and it’s what we are doing every time we connect and interact with one another...telling stories, with every breath.  Which makes reading and understanding them so much more than academic!  We have to know what kinds of stories we mean to tell.  Having wandered out of a story that wasn’t his after all, he’s currently lost in exploring the study of media literacy through Dungeons and Dragons, or ELAD&D.


Noah Ranz-Lind

Content Strategist

Noah is a Junior at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst studying Mathematics as well as Social Thought & Political Economy (STPEC). Noah grew up as a third-culture kid, living most of his life abroad in Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Ireland, and India. He is passionate about math education, as well as learning for its own sake rather than as a means to an end. He is excited to intern with HRP and explore the world of radical pedagogy!


Sunil Singh

Advisor & Coordinator

Singh is a former mathematics and physics teacher, who has taught the basics to IB math in honors-level courses. From socioeconomically challenged environments in Toronto to the prestigious International School of Lausanne in Switzerland, Mr. Singh has become a leader in creative math education. He is an Adviser at Amplify and a Content Creator at Mathigon, and is author of Pi of Life: The Hidden Happiness of Mathematics and Math Recess: Playful Learning in an Age of Disruption.

100 días de conversaciones


Olivia Chiang


Olivia is a student at Nueva High School in San Mateo, California. She enjoys dance, upcycling clothing, and Girl Scouts. Through her Girl Scout Silver Award project, she realized that teens today lack the core skill to discuss social issues, especially with people of different views. She joined this initiative to fight polarization, form connections through conversations, and improve education


Summer Freed


Summer is a social media professional based in Minnesota. Over the past six years she has worked with businesses, startups, nonprofit organizations, and student groups to create cohesive and effective social media and marketing strategies. She studied Media Culture and Leadership at the University of Minnesota, and is eager to employ the power of storytelling and conversation to amplify youth voices and create change with the 100 Days of Conversations project.


Léa Henaux


Léa is a university student at Minerva Schools at KGI currently studying in San Francisco. She is passionate about history, political science, and education. She is excited to hear from, interact and work with all the diverse and amazing people participating in these important discussions. Through the use of social platforms, she hopes to ensure that all youth voices have the opportunity to be heard and be supported.


Nontobeko Mdlalose


Nonto is a Business Management and Communications graduate from South Africa. She is passionate about sharing ideas and connecting with people, and loves to engage with people of different races, culture and to learn their ways of living. In her culture, she upholds the value of UBUNTU (I am because you are), which she believes has kept the world moving because of how life connects us. Further she believes that education is the backbone which shapes our understanding, hopes, dreams and how we view ourselves and those around us.

junta directiva


Julia Fliss


Julia is a social studies educator at Evergreen Middle School in Evergreen, Colorado. Ms. Fliss is an active supporter of progressive education, and encourages the use and exploration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals by connecting with educators around the world. She is incredibly passionate about supporting HRP’s message and finding ways to promote equitable, empowering environments.


Madeline Jester

Student Representative

Madeline Jester is a college student at Cornell who is an advocate of progressive pedagogy, specifically gradeless learning. She currently attends a nontraditional high school, Clark Street Community School, which uses interdisciplinary classes to teach a wide variety of subjects. Their model has inspired her advocacy. Jester’s voice and perspective is imperative for us creating a truly multifaceted organization, and offers a student voice to all of our resources and endeavors.


Hedreich Nichols

Board President

Hedreich Nichols is a dynamic figure in education, excelling as a speaker, adult educator, and tech integration specialist. Her expertise lies in guiding educators to create student-driven learning environments, and she is renowned for her impactful workshops and courses on teacher efficacy and cultural literacy, benefiting districts globally. Additionally, Hedreich's book, Finding Your Blind Spots: 8 Guiding Principles to Overcome Implicit Bias in Teaching, has garnered acclaim, combining her experiences with academic research to empower teachers and leaders in supporting diverse and interconnected students.


Skylar Primm


Mr. Primm is a science educator at High Marq Environmental Charter School in Montello, Wisconsin, a small public charter school centered on interdisciplinary experiential learning with a focus on the environment. Mr. Primm is involved in his school’s governance council and serves as treasurer of the board for the Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education. Further, Mr. Primm was one of the earliest and steadfast supporters of HRP.


Dr. Traci Nicole Smith


Dr. Smith has 26 years of experience as a public-school teacher, leader, and graduate school instructor. She resides in New Orleans, Louisiana, which is a nationally recognized city known for its school reforms in public education yet is plagued with challenges. Traci is the founder of The Institute for Conscious-Driven Living, which is a learning portal designed to assist helpers and healers navigate their personal and professional journeys.


John Warner


Mr. Warner is an English professor at the University of Charleston, the author of many works including So You Want to Be President? and The Funny Man, a weekly columnist for the Chicago Tribune, contributor to Inside Higher Ed. He has focused his recent work on writing pedagogy in Why They Can’t Write: Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and its companion work, The Writer’s Practice: Building Confidence in Your Nonfiction Writing.


Dr. Yong Zhao


Dr. Zhao is the Foundation Distinguished Professor in the School of Education at the University of Kansas and advocate of self-directed, meaningful learning. Zhao is a well-established author and researcher that can help us navigate human-centered practice, including writing What Works May Hurt and An Education Crisis Is a Terrible Thing to Waste: How Radical Changes Can Spark Student Excitement and Success.

preguntas frecuentes

¿Qué es el Proyecto de Restauración Humana?
Proyecto de restauración humana
is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization focused on listening to students, enacting systems-based change, and reimagining education. HRP centers its work on conducting focus groups with young people in schools across the country, analyzing their findings to help schools restructure their classrooms and schools to best serve students. Their ongoing work includes hosting a wide variety of free, open access education resources on everything from portfolio-based assessment to critically understanding AI.

¿Qué hace el Proyecto de Restauración Humana?
HRP centra su atención en el cambio educativo basado en los sistemas a través de un cambio de base organizado por los maestros. A pesar de décadas de reforma escolar (Race to the Top, Que ningún niño se quede atrás, A Nation at Risk), únicamente El 40% de los estudiantes están matriculados en la escuela secundaria y menos de la mitad de los estudiantes sienten que su aprendizaje es relevante. Y, a pesar de que nos centramos en mejorar los puntajes en matemáticas y lectura (haciendo hincapié en los resultados de las pruebas), el Bulletin of Atomic Scientists afirma que estamos»A 100 segundos del fin del mundo».

Nuestras prioridades en educación se han alejado de la respuesta obvia: todos somos seres humanos y debemos tratarnos unos a otros en consecuencia. Nuestro trabajo se basa en tres niveles de creación de cambios: 1) informando sobre la necesidad de una educación progresiva; 2) orientativo educadores a través de materiales y formación profesional sobre cómo implementar esta práctica en su aula; y 3) creciendo el movimiento a través de la creación de coaliciones, la creación de redes y la promoción de base.

¿Qué vendes?
Human Restoration Project se dedica a publicar todos nuestros materiales de forma gratuita. Ofrecemos Servicios de PD que sustentan nuestras operaciones.

¿Cómo se financia?
Estamos aquí por motivos generosos simpatizantes y asociaciones de subvenciones. Estamos comprometidos con la transparencia; puede encontrar nuestros estados financieros completos que se publican anualmente en nuestro informe de impacto. Estamos buscando activamente subvenciones para apoyar aún más a los educadores.

¿Sus recursos tienen licencia?
Todos los recursos que publicamos tienen licencia OER bajo CC BY-NC-SA. Puede modificar y distribuir libremente nuestro trabajo de forma no comercial con una acreditación. Además, nos esforzamos por recopilar el mayor número posible de ideas y actividades de propiedades con licencias similares, lo que nos permite actuar como un «centro» de recursos educativos progresistas de calidad. Nos esforzamos por ofrecer versiones gratuitas de todas nuestras ofertas de pago, como las presentaciones en conferencias de acceso abierto y el desarrollo personal a tu ritmo.

¿Qué es la «educación progresiva»? ¿Qué significa «restaurar la humanidad»?
Algunas estrategias que se comercializan comúnmente entre los educadores no solucionan los problemas subyacentes del sistema escolar. Las prácticas progresistas se diferencian porque no se basan en acrónimos o palabras de moda, sino que se basan en ideas educativas respaldadas por investigaciones que han existido durante siglos. La educación progresiva implica involucrar a cada estudiante en experiencias ricas y complejas que van más allá de las tareas simples. Trata a los estudiantes y profesores como personas profundas que tienen algo que ofrecer. Los educadores progresistas quieren que los sistemas escolares pasen de ser sistemas estandarizados y basados en la memoria a aquellos que se preocupan por el valor innato de cada individuo y su conexión y contribución a la comunidad. Esto supone que todas las personas son tratadas con dignidad y respetadas, y que se aboga por la justicia social. No hay nada intrínsecamente «democrático» en la educación «progresista».

Reconocemos el increíble trabajo que realizan los educadores en todo el mundo para ayudar a los jóvenes a desarrollar su potencial y, al mismo tiempo, reconocemos el impacto negativo que causan muchas prácticas estandarizadas en la escuela. Queremos reducir y eliminar las barreras que deshumanizan el aula, dando cabida a los jóvenes (¡y a los educadores!) para prosperar.

¿Quién es tu público? ¿Quién debe escuchar?
Nuestro trabajo está dirigido principalmente a los educadores de K-College, incluidos los que no asisten a la escuela o que estudian en casa. Queremos persuadir a los educadores tradicionales de que sigan nuestra línea de pensamiento y reconocer, discutir y validar a los pensadores progresistas. Por supuesto, los jóvenes y otros profesionales también son bienvenidos a participar.

¿Apoyas a las escuelas públicas? ¿Qué pasa con la «elección de escuela»?
El Proyecto de Restauración Humana apoya y apoya firmemente la educación pública, y nuestra organización está fundada y dirigida por educadores de escuelas públicas. Es imperativo que construyamos un sistema educativo que brinde aulas gratuitas, bien financiadas, equitativas y de calidad para todos. No menospreciamos otras formas de educación, pero somos escépticos con respecto a las organizaciones que buscan sacar provecho de los resultados de los estudiantes. Además, apoyamos la idea de reducir el tamaño de las escuelas y desarrollar «escuelas dentro de las escuelas», según lo propuesto por Deborah Meier.

¿Cómo puedo enviar un artículo? ¿Hay alguna restricción?
Aceptamos abiertamente los artículos no solicitados y permitimos la publicación cruzada. Nuestro objetivo es promover la educación progresiva entre el mayor número posible de educadores. Por lo tanto, si estás escribiendo un artículo y quieres mostrárselo a nuestra audiencia (y promueve nuestra pedagogía), luego extender la mano! Los redactores de HRP mantienen el control total de su trabajo y pueden solicitar la edición o la eliminación de sus artículos en cualquier momento.

¿Cómo aparezco en el podcast?
Aunque agradecemos las solicitudes para aparecer en nuestro podcast, rara vez podemos atender a invitados no solicitados. Por lo general, programamos los podcasts con meses de anticipación en función de nuestras lecturas, eventos actuales e interés de la audiencia.