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Your donation supports...

A rocket ship.

Informing a Greater Cause

Leading progressive initiatives, hosting podcasts, hiring writers, and producing free workshops. We produce new content every single week!
A satellite.

Guiding Toward Change

Creating open-access resources, videos, and conference resources. Each year we release, at minimum, 4 major materials to support educators in implementing new, reimagined systems.
An image of an astronaut looking up at the sky.

Growing the Movement

Providing opportunities for volunteers, marketing, and collaborating with other organizations. We're a small team and every bit helps us make a difference!

Organization & Foundation Supporters

Holistic Think Tank
Junge Family Charitable Fund
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
Tides Foundation


advocates $25/mo+

Debra Covington
Jenny Lucas
Jordan Vaca
Kimberly Baker
Rachel Lawrence
Simeon Frang

proponents ($10/mo+)

Anna Wentlent
Bradley Hinson
Brandon Peters
Connie Fletcher
Corinne Greenblatt
Darren Uscianowski
Jeremiah Henderson
Joelle Ostrich
John O'Briant
Julia Valenti
Kevin Gannon
Matthew Thomas Fahey
Monte Syrie
Peter Kratz
Savannah Leigh
Skylar Primm
Sybil A Priebe
Timothy Fawkes

backers ($3/mo+)

Burton Hable
C. Billy Campbell
Daniel Holman
Deanna Lough
Garreth Heidt
Jennifer Mann
Lisa Wennerth
Marie Becker
Matt Walker
Mustafa Haleem
Paul Perez
Sally Orme
Sheila N
Steve Peterson
Susanne Michelle Harrison
Thomas White
Trevor Aleo


Sean Michael Morris
Keith Mathias
Kathleen Magill
Alicia Huculak
Gamal Sherif
Lauren Lumm
Larry L Covington
Sarah Pazur
Josiah Venter
Kelly Meissner
Jan Ghalib
Andrea Barrera
Alix Tate
Sarah Mastenbrook
Hugo Genesse
Jason Arnold
Sumer Unnisa
Donald DeLand
Travis Gratteau-Zinnel
Aubree Holliman
Angela Boston
Troy German
Synthia Jester
Bruce Robbins
Michelle Edwards
Sean Fitzpatrick
Alexander Gruber
Lydia McDermott
Gabe Grimley
Kyra Canfield
Shelly Buchanan
Ann Trapasso
Elizabeth Angello
Margaret Clifton
Matthew Clark
Simone Harris
Jeff Stewart
Larry Covington
Jeffrey Austin
Harrison Ansel White
Traci Nicole Smith
Julia Fliss
Paul Wann
Kathy Sennello
Carisa Corrow
David Buck
Bryn Orum
Ezra Friedlander
Jen Olson
Kelly Nelson
Karrie Porter
Corey Jung
R Steven Gumbay
Lauren Niemann
Laura Pallandre
Sybil Priebe
Paul Kim
Cayne Letizia
Catherine Denial
Alex Covington
Casey Nedry
Zoe Weil
Kassandra Minor
Ray O'Brien
Brad Latzke
Michael Dippold
Abigail French
Kristen Eveland
John O'Briant
Matt Laughlin
Joshua Tripp
Michael Weingarth
Thomas Gribble
Stephen Weber
Stacy Cadence Hilgenberg
Kenichiro Bernier
Rachel Tadeu
Rivka Ocho
Jane Kennedy
Leslie Lindsey
Clint Conroy
David van Reyk
Dylan Wince
Kevin Lambert
Dustin Rideout
Kristina Daniele
Molly Swanhorst
Joshua Kazemi
Grace Poudrier
Erin Dowd
Mary Alice Delia (In Dedication)
Emi Takemura
Marcelo Viana Neto
Taylor Vivanco
Russell Walker
Danielle Woodhams
Jacob Huckle
Michael Payne
Steve Sostak
Abe Moore