
April 2023 Newsletter

Chris McNutt
April 1, 2023
The April 2023 newsletter for Human Restoration Project!

To sign up for our newsletter each month, click here. (Signing up for our mailing list helps us with potential grant-funding. Having an active community means people desire more work from HRP. Thank you!)

Full Keynote Line-up Announced

The flipped keynote lineup for our fully virtual Conference to Restore Humanity! is complete:

We need reimagined schools and public education now more than ever. Imagining a better future isn’t naivety, it’s essential for a thriving  world. We must preserve in the face of everything a positive outlook  toward organizing, surviving, and building anew – or risk becoming  stagnant. Individual actions snowball and propagate through systems, and each act of service, each push-back, each classroom decision can fundamentally build a better future. It’s up to us to make that tomorrow a reality.

Join us July 24-27th to break the doom loop!

Interdisciplinary Subject (Holistic Think Tank) Phase 2

We are honored and thrilled to be partnering with the international nonprofit organization, Holistic Think Tank (HTT), to continue our collaboration on the Interdisciplinary School Subject.

Starting this Spring, Human Restoration Project (HRP) and the University of Sheffield UK (UoS) will be working closely with HTT to refine and pilot our interdisciplinary curriculum built over the last year. This key partnership is funded through HTT’s mission and vision to build a better education system, awarding $75,000 to both HRP and UoS. The entire curriculum will be released open access throughout the 2023-2024 school year.

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Updated Resources Coming Soon

We are currently iterating on our resources, allowing them to be easily accessed in a web-based format. We anticipate an initial release of these resources very soon.


Podcast: Love, Joy, & Learning w/ Miss Elmi

Hanaa Elmi prompts students to explore the differences & similarities between justice & charity. She quotes from one of the dozens of books her students use, “What are words really? Are they just random letters arranged in different ways? Or do they have magical powers that can inspire and amaze?”

More Episodes on the Way!

Upcoming releases include...

AI Learning Series

April 26th @ 6PM ET

In this session, we will explore four different innovative AI tools and their uses and implication for the classroom. From cutting-edge research to creative tools for self-expression, AI is opening pathways never before possible within academics.

That said, in addition to the possibilities of their use, AI also has incredibly problematic ethics concerns from how the data is sourced to the implications of their use on a widespread scale. We will discussion ways in which educators should be aware of these problems while offering ways to open dialogue with young people on the use and future of AI.

Gamifying the Classroom: Q&A w/ Adrian Hon

Adrian Hon, author of You’ve Been Played: How Corporations, Governments, and Schools Use Games to Control Us All joins us for a Q&A on gamification!

Adrian is an award-winning video game designer and is the CEO and founder of Six to Start, co-creator of the world’s most successful smartphone fitness game, Zombies, Run! He previously was the director of play, creating alternative reality games, at Mind Candy.

Gamification is a long-standing practice across lesson planning and educational technology, but it doesn’t always work out the way we expect. At the end of the day, if the nature of the task is not interesting, then what we’re creating is more about compliance than engagement. In this session, we will host a conversation on what it means to gamify content, learning, and pedagogy: recognizing potential success while advising for potential pitfalls.

...and more:

Writing: The Silent Crisis: Humanities, Pedagogy, and Neoliberalism

New contributor Trevor Aleo writes on the importance of the humanities, its connections to leading a purposeful life, and the implications of tying it exclusively to neoliberal "marketability."

Writing: The Wrath Without the Math: Why Mathematics Wars Have Only Ever Been Class Wars

Sunil Singh writes how the "math wars" are simply a Trojan horse for white supremacy

Podcast: New View EDU Episode 32: Restoring Humanity in Education w/ Chris McNutt

Chris joins host Tim Fish on NAIS New View EDU for an in-depth conversation about his journey from teacher to changemaker, and why he believes all schools—public and independent—could benefit from a little bit of “chaos.”

Feedback Opportunity: HRP Focus Group Session

Attention all educators! HRP is conducting a focus group session next month and we'd love to have you there. Interested educators will attend a 2 hour feedback session to provide us feedback on current and new initiatives.

Let's restore humanity to education, together.

This work is brought to you by our supporters, three of whom are Elizabeth Angello, Antonio Buehler, and Andrew McKay!

Your support means the world to us. HRP is a 501(c)3 organization and your support is tax deductible. We greatly appreciate your support. If possible, please help us out and share our work far and wide!

Chris McNutt
Chris McNutt is the co-founder and executive director of Human Restoration Project, a nonprofit organization focused on student engagement, well-being, and motivation. His work centers on realizing systems-based change, examining how progressive pedagogical shifts (e.g. PBL, ungrading) reimagine school to best suit the needs of students and teachers alike. He was a public high school digital media & design educator who focused on experiential learning, portfolio-driven assessment, and community involvement.
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