グレードレス・ラーニングの導入による評価の再定義 feat.ジェフリー・フリーデン、アーロン・ブラックウェルダー、ニック・コビントン

April 14, 2019
Utilizing ungrading and moving away from grades.

On today's podcast, we're looking at the gradeless movement. There's a lot to be debated in the education system, but I'm hard-pressed to find a topic so steeped in research as this one. Whether it be motivation, willingness to learn, and even traditional test scores, not giving a grade shows improvement across the board.

There's countless research articles, books, podcasts, psychologists, education experts, and more writing and studying the effects of grades. And every single time, whether it be 1850 or 2019, it seems to support the same outcome:

  1. Grades diminish motivation and do little to actually provide feedback for students to improve.
  2. If there is research that supports grades, it's stating that they improve standardized test scores, not necessarily motivate or improve student outcomes.


Jeffery Frieden, an English educator at Hillcrest High School in Corona, California, and founder of Make Them Master It, an organization aimed at connecting teachers to mastery-based practice and identifying teacher struggle through a podcast, book, and blogs.

Aaron Blackwelder, an English educator in Woodland Public Schools in Woodland, Washington, and founder of Teachers Going Gradeless, an organization aimed at providing resources and connecting educators who diminish or eliminate the use of extrinsic motivators.

Nick Covington, a Social Studies educator at Ankeny High School in Ankeny, Iowa, who promotes progressive education in his own practice including developing portfolio-based gradeless assessments.


Make Them Master It

Teachers Going Gradeless

Aaron Blackwelder’s Feedback Report

Aaron Blackwelder’s Soft Skills Rubric

Redefining Quality: Working Towards New Measures of School Achievement by Aaron Blackwelder

The End of Average by Todd Rose

Nick Covington’s Medium

Nick Covington’s Economics Evidence Journal

Grading =/ Assessment HumResPro Resource

A YouTube icon.
