
Why Rating Students Undermines Learning w/ Dr. Susan Blum

December 5, 2020
Creating spaces of alternative assessment in K-12 and higher ed.

Today we are joined by Dr. Susan Blum, Dr. Blum is a professor of anthropology at the University of Notre Dame, and the author of many works and articles, including her recently released: Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead), which features fifteen different educators, such as Arthur Chiaravalli, Jesse Stommel, Aflie Kohn, and Laura Gibbs, speaking on their ideas and implementation of the practice. And as an interesting side note, more than half of the educators in the book have appeared on our podcast!

In this conversation we'll be talking about ungrading, framed on the ideas found in the book - the “how” of the practice, and particularly how ungrading fits within COVID-19 and promoting equity as a whole.


Dr. Susan Blum, professor of anthropology at the University of Notre Dame and active author, with a recent focus on ungrading.


Ungrading Book Club (assembled by David Buck)

West Virginia University Press: Ungrading, edited by Dr. Susan Blum

Human Restoration Project Ungrading Handbook

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